LOCS PRO - the game

LOCS Pro - the game
LOCS Pro has been designed by us to act as a learning aid for LOCS Practitioners and other data protection support professionals.
The game covers the core obligations and best practices needed to maintain a robust privacy culture in a business.
SCENARIO: You are responsible for your firm's data protection practices and Senior Management have requested that you prepare for LOCS Certification.
Will you be ready?
Do you have enough budget and time?
What unplanned events will occur over the next 12 months?
Will you purchase the right tech?
What processes will you allocate your time to?
Will you make the right decisions?
Will you score enough points to be audit ready?
The LOCS PRO game covers the core concepts of an organisation's data protection in a (semi) real world environment. With the right mixture of skill and luck you can be ready for audit (a bit like real life really).